Holiday Specials

Celebrating all the important holidays, hi-brow style.

May 5, 2006: Feliz Cinco de Mayo
May 31, 2006: 100th Comic Spectacular!!
June 14, 2006: The Seeds of American Feminism
July 4, 2006: happy fourth!!!!
August 8, 2006: It'll only happen once!1!!
October 9, 2006: butt-hole-day
October 31, 2006: The Halloween Party
November 23, 2006: gobble up some goofy jokes!
December 4, 2006: Happy Thanksgiving!
December 15, 2006: Happy Winter Holidays!
December 25, 2006: Happy Holiday!
December 28, 2006: On the third day of Christmas . . .
December 29, 2006: On the fourth day of Christmas . . .
January 1, 2007: New Year's Resolutions
January 2, 2007: On the eighth day of Christmas . . .
January 3, 2007: On the ninth day of Christmas . . .
January 5, 2007: On the eleventh day of Christmas . . .
April 4, 2007: She answers to a dumber authority
October 31, 2007: Christie dresses up as the Sun to the Halloween Bash
November 9, 2007: the sexy firefighter is the bouncer
November 22, 2007: x-giving.. i mean, thanksgiving
November 23, 2007: turkey time
December 25, 2007: what's your winter holiday?
January 1, 2008: How I spent $175 on New Years.
January 28, 2008: Happy Belated Criminon Day
February 14, 2008: tony gets a valentine
July 4, 2008: Phallic Phridays 28: Patriot Edition
July 14, 2008: history lesson
November 5, 2008: rejected election day reminder
November 11, 2008: veteran's day
November 27, 2008: happy thanksgiving
November 29, 2008: Bonus thanksgiving comic
December 25, 2008: Brosnan's Banter
January 1, 2009: happy new years!
January 9, 2009: Phallic Remembrances of Halloweens Past
January 20, 2009: MLK day
February 16, 2009: Lazy President's Day
March 11, 2009: the tourist goes downtown on february 2
April 1, 2009: more like every weekday
April 9, 2009: you know what i'm talking about ladies
May 5, 2009: happy 5th!
May 25, 2009: American Pride
July 1, 2009: happy whatever day, fuckers
July 6, 2009: independence week
July 14, 2009: Hi-Brow Clip Art Classics XX
September 7, 2009: it's aaron's favorite holiday
October 12, 2009: columbus day quiz
November 2, 2009: it's not a topical costumes if it's from three years ago
November 11, 2009: veteran's day
November 12, 2009: tony's guide to talking to girls on halloween
November 26, 2009: current event classics
February 15, 2010: presidents
March 17, 2010: happy st patricks day
March 30, 2010: Hi-Brow Stand-Up, part 19: Brookline Origins
March 31, 2010: Tony Tries for a facial
April 15, 2010: day two at the office
April 20, 2010: new american holiday
May 1, 2010: bush is back!
May 5, 2010: current events: holidays
July 4, 2010: happy fourth
July 14, 2010: happy bastille day
September 6, 2010: white women and fashion
October 10, 2010: happy binary day
October 11, 2010: nina jet
October 27, 2010: invite
October 31, 2010: jack (off) o lantern
November 2, 2010: tony on halloween
November 8, 2010: pimpin
November 24, 2010: happy birthday
November 25, 2010: happy t-day
November 30, 2010: costume reviews
December 21, 2010: next year!
December 24, 2010: Yonic Phridays 25 - merry xmas
January 1, 2011: The Live Blogosphere
January 17, 2011: europeans
January 19, 2011: Ho. Ho. Ho.
February 14, 2011: Valentine's Day Advice
February 21, 2011: president nicknames
April 1, 2011: April Phools
April 19, 2011: Hi-Brow Stand-Up, part 21
April 21, 2011: i overslept, man
April 28, 2011: the vegas odds
May 2, 2011: just an excuse
May 13, 2011: yonic phriday the thirteenth
May 18, 2011: yeah we're a few months late, big whoop
May 30, 2011: war on the military
July 4, 2011: keep it hibrow fellas
October 12, 2011: cbusday
December 31, 2011: new years
January 16, 2012: holiday rebus
February 15, 2012: happy b-day
February 20, 2012: webcam girls can have specials too
March 1, 2012: happy jb-day
April 1, 2012: lunar symbol sundays
April 20, 2012: Phallic Symbol Phridays 171: happy 4-20 day
April 21, 2012: reefer sutherland
September 3, 2012: how to celebrate

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copyright 2006-2010, Hi Brow Productions